Toggle Switch PCB

Functions of the Toggle Switch PCB

  • Power ON the Arduino in the signal distribution box with a manual toggle switch (It’s like a general switch to start the system)
  • Manually turn on the DCDC converters for 12V and 5V (6 switches)
  • Manually turn on the HV batteries (6 switches)
  • Digital transfer of the switch position over the CAN network

Changes in V2 compared to V1

  • Added an Arduino with can bus interface to transmit the switch positions (before there was a lot of cabeling for the switches)
  • One more switch to start the overall system
  • Changed the type of connectors for better assembly


2D Layer:

Link to the files:–CpJjhV1aDl8p_8qU6XN8Gdx-?usp=drive_link