Feather Charge Hub PCB

Functions of the Charge Hub PCB

  • Charge 6 project Feather batteries automaticly after each other
  • For TC charger and Ennoid BMS (VESC) - 24S (100VDC)
  • Charging current can go up to 40A
  • Suppling power to the Signal Distribution PCB during charging
  • CAN communication

Pictures from KiCAD 3D viewer:


2D Layer:

This is an ongoing thread from the Discord forum. It moved here and will not not continue on Discord.

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Not complete yet, have to order 6 more resistors :sweat_smile:


Looks good! Seems like the solder stencil worked out pretty well.

Yes it did! I only had to make some adjustments on the ICs which had a lot of pins. There was a little bit to much solder paste for them

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This looks really promising. I hope you are continuing developing this one.

This version is greatly feature-rich and significantly closer to a product configuration for the aircrafts.

Did you check how charging is handled for the electric LSAs around (2-seaters mostly used for training purposes? This one might fit into those ones with couple of component upgrades maybe.

Yes I will still work on this :slight_smile:
I’m just waiting on the upgraded BMS from Kevin, after that I can do some programming and testing.

I did not look at these electric LSAs, but aren’t they mostly using only one large battery?

They are…but maybe they should not. :slight_smile: