[EDITING] Project Quiver PT2 Power PCB V1

Arrow Project Quiver Power PCB V1

This thread will keep track of the first iteration of a custom power PCB for Project Quiver PT2. I will start with gathering the system requirements. For this I will look at Quiver PT1 and keep a record of the most important features and conditions.

Input taken from memory, the Quiver V1 Harnessing Grant and the CAD assembly


System Requirements

  • General size: 200x120mm (to fit in a similar space as the PT1 PCB)

  • Layout:

    • One side of the PCB lies on the edge and carries the connectors
    • The motor connectors are orientated inwards to the center or to the sides
    • The main power terminals also lie on the edge that faces inwards
  • Power Distribution:

    • High power distribution from Battery to Motors
      • Includes Fuse solid state relais and precharge
    • Power distribution to:
      • Payload (Brush Bullet Dispenser, power requirements unknown(10W, 12V), GPIO pin from FC will activate 12V supply)
      • Radar Altimeter (2W; 5V or 12V)
      • Flight controller pixhawk 6X (2.5W; 5V)
      • Flight controller peripherals 6X (maximum possilbe 7.5W, 5V)
      • SIYI HM30 transmitter (5W, 12V)
      • SIYI A8 camera and gimbal (5W, 12V)

    = ~22W on the 12V bus and ~10W on the 5V bus

  • Signals:

    • The PCB will also offer CAN Bus connections to devices:
      • Motors/ESCs
      • Battery
      • Brush bullet dispenser
      • Radar altimeter
      • Flight controller
    • The PCB will not include connections for devices that are directly connected to the FC

Hardware on the PCB

  • XT60PW connector for each motor
  • 5 Pos. signal connector for each Motor/ESC
  • MATEKSYS FCHUB 12S V2 for power conversion 12V and 5V and current measurement
  • Screw terminals for the battery connection
  • Precharge resistors
  • Fuses for 12V and 5V
  • One large sealed connector for most connections

Proposed Layout

  • Fuse and solid state relais will be outside of the PCB casing.

Comments from the call today about the PCB:

  • Additional connector for the brush bullet to carry 12V, 5V, and GPIO signal
  • XT30 power connection for SIYI Air Unit
  • Clarification on if precharge control will happen via CAN or GPIO from Pixhawk


  • How are you planning on controlling the brush bullet? In PT1 we are adding a relay in the dispenser to control the motor.
  • During the call I think you mentioned that the SSR and fuses will be external? Will they sit on a separate PCB? Are the fuses for the ESCs or the SSR?

Thank you!

Do you think splitting the one big connector into smaller connectors for each component/system and locating them according to their locations on the aircraft? i.e. locating the pixhawk connector on right/left side, altimeter on the other side, camera through the camera location, attachment interface connector at the back and so on.
@Julius @errrks.eth

I think its better to leave the connectors on one side of the PCB for now. However, I will divide the large plug into smaller ones.

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